


Please upload your submissions by 11:00 pm AEST Wednesday of 13th October, 2021. This will be a strict cut off time. If your circumstances prevent you from turning something around this quickly, please email us ASAP.


We ask that you please respect your leadership and ensure you have any relevant permission by your Senior Minister/Priest/Worship Pastor or equivalent authority. We take the submission as full permission to use your name, church name, location, image and likeness, plus the sound and audio files in their entirety. This includes permission to broadcast the audio and visual of those persons under the age of 18.


All minors must have their legal guardian present during the filming of the video footage. This gives us permission and license to use the footage and likeness submitted freely on public platforms. This should be strongly considered before your submission.


It is ideal to record audio and visual with a professional camera/microphone if possible, if not, your smart phone or tablet will work just fine. 

Please choose a room with limited echo/reverberation and please avoid recording in any rooms with excess reverb (like the bathroom and/or kitchen) or without any background noise (lawnmower, dog barking, traffic, television etc). You can test if the area is suitable for recording by clapping your hands to test if the room will work well for capturing a clear audio recording, and listening quietly for any background noise.

Please record the video with all the lights on, and away from any bright windows shining behind the student that might create a silhouette effect.


When considering the background for your shot, include something interesting, colourful or creative that shows uniquely who you are and where you are from - whether it's your home, your church, your home town, the outback, the desert, a rainforest, an iconic landmark or location.


Please label everything clearly with this file name (churchname_yourname_stateorterritory.mp4). In either .MP4, .MOV (video), in H.264 or ProRes format or .WAV, .AIF (48k 24bit audio stems - if possible). In order for us to track your submission, it is imperative that you adhere to this filename format. Any submissions that do not comply with these formats may not be included.
